Renewable energy is playing a significant role in Vietnam’s energy mix and making a positive impact on economy. Solar energy production will contribute more than any other renewable energy sources.
Scares resource like water is required more often to clean the solar panels and regular maintenance and monitoring activity is essential, if not it will drastically reduce the yield of power generation. The need of regular maintenance activity, slow deployment due to lack of technology and use of scares resources incurs a huge cost, and until now in Vietnam the O&M services never guarantees on the yield of the solar panels.The investors are uncertain about their ROI and gradually losing confident on investing in solar energy projects in Vietnam.
We can address the most important issue of providing, cost effective sustainable energy by using Robots, AI and IoT in Solar energy generation. By using technology the O & M activities can be performed more efficiently with minimal need of human’s and minimal scare resources for cleaning the panels and thus making energy available at a lower price .
Drones help solar energy companies to install and inspect residential and commercial solar panels and thus save time and money. A fleet of robots can clean the panels at night, saving water, time, and requiring less labor than typical washing. By using Technology we can make solar energy farms more productive, more cost-effective, and more secure. An on-site autonomous drone can oversee the function of solar Farm and floating solar farms operations that are even hard-to-reach in remote areas in unmanned facilities.
Solar panels are a significant and long-term investment which is covered by warranty, as well as production and performance guarantees. Consistent aerial monitoring and providing proactive support using Robots can ensure warranty coverage and support warranty claims.
Combination of Artificial Intelligence, Robots with Data mining and big data concept will make Operation and Maintenance effective that offers better control over Capex, Opex and guarantee the ROI.